I don’t recall meeting anyone who has actually claimed to be perfect, but I have seen those who have self-righteous attitudes. As much as it should be our goal to be more like Christ and perfect in heart and actions, as long as we live in a sinful world, there will be obstacles. Sadly sometimes the obstacles in life are other Christians who may mean well, but give less than wise council.
Those who are younger or weaker in faith who put their trust in other believers might find some strength and comfort for a while, but eventually they will be failed in one way or another. I’m just not convinced that God has designed us to be strong enough to carry others very far. The Bible makes it pretty clear He wants us to come to Him. We need to cast our cares on Him, seek Him, rest in Him…
One area people are seeking other Christian support is on the internet. While reading comments of some reaching out for support on Christian forums (outside of Families.com), I came to realize what a danger zone these kinds of places can potentially be to those young in their faith. Even those who might very well be believers running the show, wishing to help others, may reject someone who is truly either in need of help or reprimand someone who is giving legitimate advice they might not agree with personally. Mixed messages are often sent to people really reaching out. As Christians, we can only see glimpses of people’s true nature and motive—if at all. Only God can truly judge one’s heart and true intentions.
I just want people to be cautious when they are in need and wish to seek out a brother or sister in Christ for support; it’s one thing to seek a believer for encouragement and a listening ear, but only God is perfect, knows your heart inside and out. He made you, loves you and would love to give you truth, peace, correction where needed. God is the best friend you’ll ever have. People will fail you. God will never fail you.