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Christina’s Belly…Exposed!

I thought it was somewhat cute when Demi Moore posed on the cover of Vanity Fair when she was pregnant with daughter Scout. It is not something I would have done, but maybe I would have if I looked like Demi Moore!

I didn’t think it was so cute when Britney Spears did essentially the same thing on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar in August 2006 while pregnant with son Jayden. At least Demi’s was more tasteful in my opinion.

And now, another celebrity has decided to do a similar cover again. Christina Aguilera, who I was afraid was going to give birth on stage before she went public with her pregnancy, has now decided to flaunt her pregnancy on the cover of January’s Marie Claire.

The singer will appear on the magazine cover wearing a cropped jacket, unbuttoned of course, hoop earrings and a ring with nothing else. Christina has one hand behind her head and is striking what is to me a sexy pose. Ew. Why can’t celebs just keep their clothes on while pregnant or at least do these photos for their own home?

Don’t get me wrong, I think the pregnant body is beautiful, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I want to see a pregnant woman on the cover of every magazine I pick up and especially not striking a sexy pose!

As if the pose wasn’t enough, Christina went of to tell us a bit too much information in the article. “We were planning on starting to try after the tour. And so, I had gone off the Pill to prepare my body, because I didn’t know how much time it would take. You’ve heard it takes some time — except with Power Egg and Super Sperm here,” she says. “… I’m like, `Oh my god, can you believe it just happened?'”

Uh, yeah, Christina, people have been having children for thousands of years. I can believe is just happened. But my favorite part of the interview was this – “Because I hadn’t said anything, people thought I was trying to keep it this big, bad secret, and that’s not the case at all. I just wasn’t commenting. I’m not being like, `Hey everybody, I’m pregnant!’ I’m not that girl.” But she is the girl that poses almost nude on the cover of a magazine?

What do you think? Should pregnant celebrities bare their bodies for all to see? Or should they just keep a maternity top on?