If you have given your parents a web cam and you are wanting to find creative ways to stay in touch, you may need to create some events that will make the web cam moments more memorable. It is important to allow time just to talk as well. These suggestions are great to implement once the novelty of the web cam begins to wear off.
1) You can have your parents (the grandparents) conduct story times for your young children. This does take a little extra planning, but will be well worth the effort. The grandparents can send the books in a package or they can give you a list of books to get from the library for the children to read along with. This can be extended to wearing costumes to fit in themes and characters.
2) Use the web cam in your family activities. You may have your children open up birthday gifts from the grandparents while everyone is online with the web cam. This allows the grandparents to really experience in the joy of the moment.
3) Set up a regular schedule of about once a week to chat online. Once the children become used to it, you can really begin to have serious conversations. It is important to take advantage of the visibility that the web cam provides, you should have artwork on hand to show off. Additionally you can show off a new missing tooth with the web cam.
4) You may want to allow time for your children to talk to their grandparents without you hovering around all them the entire time. Step out of the room for a few moments and let them talk without you. This can give your children another trusted adult to turn to when they aren’t ready to talk to you about something or want a different adult perspective.
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