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Church Callings: Emergency Preparedness Coordinator

One calling that you may have is that of emergency preparedness coordinator for the ward. The duties for this calling vary from ward to ward depending on what the bishop wants you to do. You may be asked to coordinate food orders for your ward. Additionally you may be asked to set up training meetings for first aid or to coordinate a ward calling tree.

If you are called to serve in this capacity, it is an important calling. Many families are struggling to find affordable and realistic ways to purchase and store food. You may want to come up with a list of items for each family to purchase each month. Many wards have done a five dollar a week plan or a twenty-five dollar a month plan.

You may also want to stress the importance of an emergency kit in your ward. This along with drinking water will help your ward members be able to handle most natural disasters that may come. You can coordinate a class with your Relief Society Enrichment committee to help those who want more information.

You may want more resources on what families need, and how to store the food. You can find a lot of information at www.providentliving.org or at the Be Prepared blog. Additionally you may look to specific companies such as Emergency Essentials or Walton Feed when you are organizing food or emergency supply orders.

This is an important calling. While it may be tempting to stand back and not do much, you can really help others by stepping up in this capacity. You can add a section to the ward newsletter to share ideas and tips on storing food and to promote the orders for the month. You may also consider doing a community outreach class on emergency preparedness.

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