The fact that CNN is calling the report “Breaking News” says a lot about the state of our world, doesn’t it?
It’s the news some knew would be coming and others hoped would be coming (Donald Trump and Co.)—Rosie O’Donnell will be leaving ABC’s “The View” in June.
I just watched the controversial co-host announce her departure live on “The View” and she didn’t seem to be upset about it at all. According to O’Donnell, she wasn’t able to agree on contract details with ABC (she says they wanted her to sign a 3-year deal and she only wanted to extend her present contract for another 12 months).
“My needs for the future just didn’t dovetail with what ABC was able to offer me,” O’Donnell said in a statement Wednesday.
“This has been an amazing experience,” she said, “and one I wouldn’t have traded for the world.”
Okay, yada, yada, yada… let’s get to the good part.
Fellow co-host Joy Behar cut to the chase when she remarked that the news would likely make the day of O’Donnell rival Donald Trump. No one disagreed.
As for Barbara Walters reaction, well, what is the show’s den mother going to say in front of a national audience: “Whew! Now I can rest easier at night not having to worry how Rosie “Constant Controversy” O’Donnell’s off-the-cuff remarks will impact the show.” Didn’t happen.
Instead, Walters issued this response: “I induced Rosie to come back to television on ‘The View’ even for just one year,” Walters said. “She has given the program new vigor, new excitement and wonderful hours of television. I can only be grateful to her for this year.”
I’m sure O’Donnell’s departure is bittersweet for Walters and the other execs at ABC. After all, despite the almost daily strife the outspoken co-host caused, she certainly boosted the show’s ratings. And, in the end, the bottom line is the bottom line—especially in show biz.
Frankly, I don’t buy half the nicey-wicey, goodie, goodie sentiments that dripped from O’Donnell’s co-hosts mouths this morning. Like Walters has re-iterated each time she was left to clean up the damage after one of O’Donnell’s tirades—“I’m an old woman I don’t need this stress in my life.” Okay, perhaps, it was said tongue-in-cheek, but I’m sure there is some truth to the statement. And, as for Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s remarks about how she is going to miss O’Donnell—I don’t buy that either.
So what’s next for O’Donnell? On today’s show she said she would still be filling in as guest co-host on the daytime talk show and would be producing hour-long pieces about depression and autism for the network. In addition, the company that produced O’Donnell’s long-running daytime show has expressed interest in having her back.
In conclusion, while she may be gone from “The View,” don’t expect O’Donnell to vanish from the public eye any time soon.