This is part three of a three-part interview with Ashley Smith, the creator of a new scrapbooking magazine, Classy Scrapper Magazine. Here is the final part of the interview.
What has the response been like toward your idea for a new magazine?
VERY POSITIVE! I’ve been blown away by the show of support by the online community and by my friends and family.
What has been the biggest challenge in getting this magazine started?
Relaying my ideas and “vision” to our graphic designer. I thought I could explain something once and he would automatically know what I meant, but we have to go through lots of rough drafts before we get to the final product. I’ve since learned it’s pretty normal in the industry, but I wasn’t expecting it.
What has been the most rewarding experience related to starting this magazine?
Seeing everyone’s excitement! I have received so many emails from people thanking for me for going ahead with this—it’s amazing that so many people have taken the time to write me.
Has starting this magazine been what you had expected?
So far yes, but we haven’t gotten to the hard part yet. I’m sure the actual preparing for press time will be far more stressful than the prep work we are doing now.
What is your process for collecting the content (layouts and articles) for the magazine?
We post the calls on three websites:
Submitters can send their layouts/projects/article queries to
I’d like to thank Ashley for taking time out of her busy schedule to share more about her new scrapbooking magazine. It is always interesting for me to learn about the process for beginning such a new and exciting project.
When you visit the Classy Scrapper Magazine website, you can request a FREE copy of the premier issue of the magazine. If you are interested in subscribing, you can subscribe for either 6 or 12 months. The 6-month subscription is $14.95 and the 12-month subscription is $27.95.
I will anxiously be watching my mailbox in March 2007 for my copy of the premier issue of Classy Scrapper Magazine!
To read more from this interview, click to read part one and part two.