As I look around, I have to stop and think about my cleaning routine. What routine? I really don’t have much of one. Usually, my housework schedule means that I clean whatever needs cleaning the most when I have the most available time. I know that’s a haphazard way to do things, but other methods have failed me.
I have a big, busy family and things change from day to day. One day, we might all take our showers in a row as fast as the water heater will allow, while other days, we shower at different intervals. If I scoured the tubs at a certain time or on a certain day, someone would invariably come along and take a shower as soon as I finished. I usually try to do it at night, whichever night that might be, after everyone else is in bed so it can be shiny and clean for at least a little while, before someone else needs a shower.
I also get some of the cleaning done during the day while my kids are at school. That seemed like a good plan, and I tried to schedule specific tasks for certain days. It works okay occasionally, except for the days that my husband is at home. His schedule is forever changing and he travels at times, so it’s kind of hard to keep a rigid routine.
I usually throw in some laundry each morning, afternoon, and evening, but that can be hit or miss too. Sometimes, I’m done with the laundry by noon, while on other days, I’m still folding clothes at midnight. Some days, I feel quite organized and manage to get a lot done, but other days it can be a little chaotic.
Do you follow a strict routine, or try to be flexible? Do you find that a rigid schedule works better or do things go more smoothly when you try to adapt as things come up? I know some people don’t function well unless everything is well planned and intricately organized, but for me, flexibility is the key is to making sure my home and family receive the care they need. At times, it can be like running a marathon, but I’ve given up on a tight schedule, and I’m less stressed for having done so.