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Close To My Heart Profile and Interview (3)

We have been learning about Close To My Heart, and how it could be the home-based scrapbooking business for you. We’ve already learned a little bit about their products and the cost of the kit, etc. Now it’s time to learn what’s in the kit, and what the companies requirements are.

The final part of the interview:

Nicole: What does the CTMH start up kit include?

Theresa: Oh wow! Lots! It has lots of training and marketing stuff, several hostess packets and brochures, and the products it includes would make this kit retail at over $500! You get several My Acrylix stamps including the blocks. Papers, inks, My Reflections Level Kits, and more! It’s a seriously overflowing kit!

Nicole: Are you required to carry an inventory?

Theresa: No way. It’s your choice totally. We are encouraged to have a couple of the booking incentive stamp on hand, and maybe a few extras just to show off, but no actual inventory is required.

Nicole: Well that’s pretty awesome! Are you allowed to have a website or sell online?

Theresa: Yes we can have our own website, but it does have to be approved. They encourage us to grow our business any way which we want.

Nicole: Theresa, what is YOUR personal favorite product?

Theresa: Honestly, I think the My Reflections Level Kits are my favorites. I usually get Level 3 when I am buying for myself. I love all the great coordinating stuff, and the stamps are sooooo cool. You really have to see it to understand it. But I also love all of the other products too.

Nicole: Well, I can see why – they are truly awesome. Is there anything else you’d like to share with people considering signing with Close To My Heart?

Theresa: If you love the products, you’ll love being a consultant. They usually sell themselves which makes you just have fun hanging out with people and doing what you do best – stamping and scrapping. This is such a fun opportunity, you won’t be disappointed. And the best part is that there is so much help available you will never feel lost or alone!

For more information on Close To My Heart, visit the Close To My Heart Website.

There are two additional parts to this interview and profile of Close To My Heart. Please be sure to check them out in the scrapbook blog.

More articles and information on home based scrapbook business’ coming soon. Watch the scrapbooking blog or for more detailed information on home businesses check out the home business blog.