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Clueless Nights (or, Clueless in Portland)

I often joke that my dog Moose is the world’s dumbest German shepherd. The breed is known for being pretty smart, but Moose doesn’t seem to have gotten much in the brain department. (Though sometimes he surprises me!)

I love him anyway… but last night, he was driving me insane.

It’s been a week of increasing temperatures in the Portland, Oregon area, culminating in the 90s on Friday. The overnights have been somewhat cooler, but I’m the kind of person who likes it COLD in the bedroom. I’m happiest when I can burrow down under a big heap of blankets and sleep.

Last night was not that kind of night.

Moose was not enjoying the heat, either. He was very restless, moving from the foot of the bed to the pillows and back again. He was licking the sheet, then laying on it (I guess to keep cool). And oh, there was panting. Lots and lots of panting.

The worst part of the night was when he decided it was time for cuddles. He would flop up against me, I would make him move. A few minutes later, he’d be back, pressed up against my side. The hotter I got, the more Moose wanted to be next to me. We did this little dance several times, before I finally took us all outside for some fresh air.

The hot bed shuffle reminded me of an evening over the winter when I had the heat on in the office (each room in my apartment has a separate heating control). Moose was sprawled directly in front of the heater and panting his little brains out… but he would not move! I finally had to turn the heat off so he could cool down.

It’s like he just doesn’t get the concept of personal temperature control. If you’re hot, get out from under the heater! If you’re hot, don’t sleep on me! Here’s hoping tonight is a little more peaceful…