The day our son had his first convulsive seizure really hit us hard. I had never been so scared before in my life. You may see seizures on tv or in the movies but when you see them in person it is so much more scary. When it is happening with your child it makes the reality so much scarier than any horror film could even be.
We had a problem with friends and family not wanting to spend time with him when we were not around before the first convulsive seizure. I am dreading having to tell anyone that he is having grand mal seizures now. So now we have to tell everyone again and add in the fact that he now travels with a tube of liquid valium just in case.
After the first convulsive seizure the doctor did not want to adjust his medication he just wanted to keep on with the regimen we have been on. We had a month or so before our next convulsive seizure, this time was much like the last time except it was followed within minutes of a second one. We had been warned that this was possible and this is what is called cluster seizures. When the doctor did explain this he did mention this would be one of the times that the liquid valium would be needed.
Now let me start by saying that when we brought the medication home we opened it up and there were two doses in each box, they look like a syringe combined with a tube of caulking. There was no needle just a three inch long tip with a tube and a plunger to push the medication. We had read the instructions and we thought we were ready to go where we had not gone before. The medication is given to him rectally. Yep that is right I need to inject this in him while he is convulsing. SO I grab the medication, get him as still as possible and give him the medication. The seizure stopped almost immediately.
When the panic stopped I went to put the medication back in the locked cabinet I noticed a small foiled -pack inside the box and it was marked lubricant. I guess I missed that when I looked at the medication and the instructions. Luckily he did not notice the missing lubricant, only me and my husband knew that I missed it. Well that was until you read this.