About a week ago, I posted a contest to win a free DVD of the Abs Diet Workout. I asked for folks to write in and tell me in a short piece what motivates them to lose weight. Where do they get their inspiration? I didn’t get any responses and I was a little disappointed.
A few years ago, when I was in school I had this great teacher who defied most conventions of teaching that I had known up until that time. When we walked into a room in the morning, a thought would be written on the board. The idea was for us to read the thought and write it down in our journals exploring the idea fully.
The thought that he wrote on the board that I am thinking of is: Apathy is …
Complete that sentence for yourself. Complete the thought. What does apathy mean to you?
Apathy is the state of mind that doesn’t want to think about the problems or the need to diet and live a healthier lifestyle. Apathy does not act and it does not want to think about it. Apathy knows that when it does think about it, it will feel the need to act even if it wanted to.
What does Apathy mean to you?