I got a kick out of some of the comic strips in the Sunday newspaper a few weeks ago. With the emphasis on back to school, several of the strips had school-type themes.
First was “Dennis the Menace” by Hank Ketchum. Dennis comes into the living room, where his mom and dad are reading. “Hey! What is this?” he says. “A house or a liberry? When will I be able to read?” His dad replies, “It will happen little by little, sport.” His mother chimes in, “First you’ll start with storybooks, then probably comic books and comic strips, activity books, magazines . . .” and Dad finishes by saying, “And before you know it, whole novels!” Dennis looks placated, and then asks, “Uh, one more thing. When do I learn to read between the lines?”
I don’t know if reading between the lines is a literacy skill that can be taught; you either get it or you don’t, but I liked the theme of the overall comic. He sees his parents reading, he wants to do it too, and they present it to him as something fun that he will learn over time. It was a very positive message.
The other was “Beetle Bailey” by Mort, Greg, and Brian Walker. I confess, I don’t know all the characters’ names, so bear with me. One guy is lying on his bunk and another walks in. “Are you still here reading books?” the new arrival asks. “Yeah,” the other guy answers. “Books open vistas you’ve never seen. Vast knowledge, years of history. Lives of great people!” The first man says, “Yeah, but that’s someone else’s life. How about your own life? How about the thrill of discovery? The excitement of first-hand experiences? The warmth and glow of personal contact?” His friend replies, “Is that where you got that black eye?”
This comic points out the value not only in experiencing life for yourself, but experiencing it through someone else’s eyes as you read. Sometimes reading is much safer.
Okay, everybody – even comic strip characters are doing it. Pick up a book and read!
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