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Committing to Eternal Marriage

Eternal marriage is a wonderful blessing of being a Latter-Day Saint. It is important to remain worthy, so that you will be able to marry in the temple when the time comes. Once you have achieved the goal of a temple marriage, it is important to continue to live so that you are temple worthy. Here are five ideas to help you to strengthen your eternal marriage.

1) Once you are married in the temple go regularly. You should also take time to remember the covenants you made in the temple. You can easily do this by doing sealings around your anniversary every year. These things will help you stay focused on what is truly most important.

2) Make the gospel a part of your every day lives together. If you spend time studying the scriptures and praying together on a daily basis, it will you to both stay strong in the church. It will also serve as an example to your children, who are a part of your eternal family. Regular church attendance is another way to help keep the gospel centered in your lives.

3) It is important to continually nourish your relationship. It is important to stay in love with each other. You can do this by talking to each other, and spending time together. Make sure that you take time to date each other, especially once you have children. Additionally keep the romance alive by surprising each other occasionally.

4) Your marriage is only as strong as the commitment that each of you has towards it. You need to stay focused on what is most important. One of the difficult adjustments of a marriage is learning to balance the needs of each other. It is important to remember why you made the commitment, and what it means to you.

5) It is important to put your new family and relationship first. As you form your new family, your connection and ties to your old family change. You need to remember that your covenants apply to your new family first. As you realize that you should be able to better balance the relationships with your brothers and sisters and in-laws.

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Gospel Centered Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage

Be sure to check out the Marriage Blog as well!