Move over Dogster and Catster, there’s a new pet website in town:
What’s the difference between Dogster and Catster and Not much in some respects.
They both allow you to create a website of sorts for your pets where you can post pictures and video. You can join online communities and make friends, and both have contests you can enter. And they both offer pet-related content about products and services. (PetPop’s aren’t all up yet, though. Some parts of the site are still works in progress.)
And that’s where they differ a little. The “’Ster” family of websites has been up since 2004 now. They’ve gotten quite the following and have some pretty great resources.
But PetPop will get there. It seems to me they have some neat things already, even if they are newer. Like the Pet Sitting Exchange. It’s a neat way to meet other dog or cat owners in your area who wouldn’t mind pet sitting for you when you’re out of town if you’ll simply return the favor. That’s a neat way for not only your pets but yourself as well to make new friends.
I haven’t registered Murphy, Tabby, or Kitty on either Dogster, Catster, or PetPop yet, so I’m not entirely familiar with the ins and outs of each site. I’ve only visited Dogster every now and again when someone has told me to check out their dog’s profile. And I just recently became familiar with PetPop thanks to one of their service representatives sending me an email about the site.
But cruising around on both and comparing the two I noticed two things I found more appealing about PetPop’s site vs. the ‘Sters right off. One was the layout. It seemed a little more user friendly to me and easier to navigate. The other was you could post dogs, cats, horses, frogs…whatever kind of pet you wanted on PetPop and make multi-species friends.
I could be mistaken, because like I said I’m not on Catster or Dogster, so maybe your dog can have cat friends and vice versa on the ‘Sters sites too.
On the other hand, I have to admit, as a resource for finding out about various breeds and which one would fit your lifestyle and disposition best, Dogster does offer a pretty neat tool on that front.
Also, navigating Dogsters dog park info was easier than PetPop’s. I couldn’t seem to get city-specific listings to pop up, but they did have a slew of dog park listings.
Either way, both sites seem like great places to showcase your pet and make new friends in the process.
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