This weeks review is all about new technology. From embedded chips to personal scanners, you’ll find a lot of interesting stuff to read about. And do you know about the video game that is causing concerned citizens everywhere to call for its ban? Read on to catch up on any articles you might have missed.
This is the Computing Blog week in review for June 16th through June 22nd.
June 18th
Embedded Chips in Your Shampoo: RFID Technology
Imagine if your money could talk back to you. Or how about your gift certificate or even your jewelry? Your new bracelet could talk all about how nice it is, how beautiful, how brilliant in color.
June 19th
AT&T is making many advanced preparations in anticipation of the Apple iPhone release, which will take place on June 29th. The company is planning to accommodate massive amounts of traffic in its retail stores on that date, by customers eager to purchase the iPhone and sign up for cell phone service.
June 20th
Want to know all about DNA? Or how about why we have daylight savings time? You can get the answers to these questions and more using the Answers Widget.
June 21st
Manhunt 2 Video Game Banned in Britain
It seems that some video games keep trying to push the envelope in terms of how much violence the public will tolerate or even encourage. Well, on Tuesday, the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) made the decision to completely ban the video game for the first time in ten years.
June 22nd
I know I am not the only one who has ever experienced a toddler break down while waiting on the grocery check out line. After shopping for an hour and playing the “No, chocolate icing covered sugar bits are not suitable breakfast food” game, the last thing you want to do is wait with those kids past the very convenient (for the store) candy bins at the check out line while the person in front writes a personal check.