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Computing Review: May 4th to May 11th

Did you get all of your news, reviews tricks & tips? Here they are again in our weekly Computing Blog Review.

Saturday, May 5th

Cool Text Phrases

Do you know some of the most common text messaging shortcuts and phrases? If you are a parent, the answer is probably not. It seems like new phrases are popping up by the sec (second). If you want to text with your kids, or just keep up with them, it is important to know the language. As an added bonus, knowing some of these phrases can help you understand what your child is talking about with his or her friends (or strangers!)

Computing Review: April 23rd to May 4th

Miss an important Computing Blog? No fear, its all here in this review!

Normally when we do our blog reviews here at Families.com, we highlight the past week. Well, I confess that I am a little late, so this review will actually cover almost two weeks! The time has been flying by fast since I have been blogging here in the Computing Blog. It has ben a fun adventure, and I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions!

Who Is Your Computing Blogger?

Who is that masked woman behind the screen? It is just humble (sic) old me, so humble I forgot to introduce myself!

Sunday, May 6th

Playing Games on Your iPod

Downloading music and podcasts not enough? iTunes now offers more than a dozen games to download.

Monday, May 7th

Savings Quest for Kids

Want your kids to develop healthy money habits? There is a new educational website out there that will do just that. Best of all? This learning opportunity is in the form of a fun game. Kids won’t even realize that they are learning.

Tuesday, May 8th

Google Desktop

Can’t find that e-mail message from Lisa that had her phone number in it? And what ever happened to that photo of your son on the playground that you are sure you downloaded to your hard drive? With Google Desktop, you can easily search your entire hard drive to find what you need. Of course you are familiar with Google, the powerful search engine that you probably use everyday. In fact, it is so popular that it has spawned it’s own verb tense, as in “Okay, I admit it, I googled my old high school boyfriend, yesterday.” (Oh come on, you know you’ve done it, too.)

Wednesday, May 9th

Wednesday Widgets: I Love Lamp

Want to bring the era of free love to your desktop? I Love Lamp says it will do just that. In the Widget world, it seems that everyone is out to build a better lava lamp. There are several versions of these things to be had. I Love Lamp is one of the latest releases, or at least in its current version that promises a new icon and some bug fixes.

Thursday, May 10th

New Monitors Will Eliminate Dangerous Chemicals

In an open letter to its customers, shareholders and general public, Apple shared its plans for being more environmentally responsible. One of the points in that letter was the announcement that the company will be transitioning all of its computer monitors to LCDs (light-emitting diodes).

Friday, May 11th

Download Some New Software

Avast Ye Mateys! Download.com Is a software treasure hunt. Can you tell that I am in pirate mode? That is because we are busy planning my son’s birthday party. He will be six and wants a treasure-hunting pirate theme. It is all about pirates right now, and fortunately, I was able to find some cool pirate-y software programs to occupy his obsession until the big day.

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About Mary Ann Romans

Mary Ann Romans is a freelance writer, online content manager, wife and mother of three children. She lives in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods but close enough to Target and Home Depot. The author of many magazine, newspaper and online articles, Mary Ann enjoys writing about almost any subject. "Writing gives me the opportunity to both learn interesting information, and to interact with wonderful people." Mary Ann has written more than 5,000 blogs for Families.com since she started back in December 2006. Contact her at maromans AT verizon.net or visit her personal blog http://homeinawoods.wordpress.com