Would you like to make money with your website? It isn’t that hard to do. This past week, we started a series that will show you how to do just that. And if you are busy at home with the kids, why not try some printable toys. It kept my family busy for hours, and it was a lot of fun. To see these article and more, check out last week’s review.
February 18th
Computing Week in Review: February 11th Through February 17th
The colder weather brings more indoor activities, such as playing video games. If you haven’t purchased your system yet, you might want to read up on failure rates. or, just take advantage of games that are online. You can find out all about these things and more in this past week’s Computing Blogs.
February 19th
Have you heard about printable toys? There are one of the nice ways to take advantage of your computer, your Internet connection and your printer to create hours of fun and enjoyment all for free. You simply print, cut, glue and play. it is a great way to use your computer to spend some time with the kids “unplugged.”
February 20th
Toshiba, the manufacturer of the HD DVD format announced yesterday that it will no longer manufacture players with the HD DVD format. This basically ends the extended war between the two high definition DVD formats, HD DVD and BluRay. If you have been following this blog, you already know all about the battle of HD and BluRay, manufactured by Sony.
February 21st
Making Money with Your Website (1)
Did you know that you can actually make money with your website or blog? Thousands of people already do this, making enough money to “quit their day jobs” and support themselves with income earned directly on their website. How do they do it? Read on to find out some of the avenues for making money on the web.