One major concern of public education for me is the rising of student disabilities. In this article, I will discuss D for disabilities.
Many students are now coming to school with some type of disability. This disability may be in fine motor skills, speech, language, behavior, emotional, or learning. In our present kindergarten we have at least one child in each of the listed categories. Speech and language fill the largest space.
Disabilities should be a major concern for the public school system. Our school has many resources for students with disabilities. Although their needs are being met, I hate to see students struggling with disabilities.
While there are many children with disabilities in loving homes, I contribute the cause of some cases to mothers drinking alcohol, participating in drugs, and not taking care of themselves during their pregnancies. I also feel that one set back for some of the children is lack of involvement, enrichment, and stimulation during their younger years.
We actually have two children in kindergarten who suffer from emotional and psychological disabilities due to abuse. We have one child attending school on a half-day basis due to uncontrollable bad behavior. We have one student attending physical therapy because of extremely weak fine motor skills. And the list goes on.
Children now live in a much different world than the one in which I grew up. I do not remember such diverse living situations when I was a child.
Were I to go home to what some of my students go home to, I would likely have difficulty learning and focusing at school also.
We have children tested and provide the extra help that they need. I wish that we could also give them the life and family that they need.
Sadly, I fear that year after year we will see more and more children walk through our public schools with some form of disability. Some of the children cannot or will not behave while some have fears of being abandoned.
Specific Learning Disabilities and Your Child
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