Today’s concern is another major one in my eyes. Today, I will discuss the concern of tardiness and truancy.
We have many children that are either tardy for school or absent. This begins as early as pre kindergarten and kindergarten.
Some children are continuously absent from school. When they return to school, they discuss playing or taking trips while they were away from school. Some children have missed so much work that it is impossible to make everything up.
When a kindergarten child misses a lot of school, it takes time for the teacher to catch the child up on what he or she missed. The child cannot independently complete the work. The teacher has to find extra time during the day to work with the child. It is very frustrating when a child is held out from school for no apparent good cause. In some cases, the parent simply does not want to get out bed to get the child ready for school so the child stays at home.
In other cases, children are continuously late for school. When a child comes in late, the entire class is disrupted. The teacher must stop class, get the tardy child started with the work, and then redirect the entire class.
Young children have no control over being absent or coming to school late. Parents should be held accountable for tardiness and truancy of their children.
Research shows that children who are late for school or miss a lot of days of school, usually miss work or are late for work as adults.
When we allow students to be late or have unexcused absents, we are sending a negative message to the children. Children need to understand that education and accountability are important.
It is a concern of the public education system to ensure that tardiness and truancy are addressed and confronted with parents and students.
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