Some days, I just don’t want to get out of bed. Some days, I just don’t know what to sit down and write when I pull up the screen. I have a confession to make, for someone who writes about fitness, enjoys fitness and works out regularly; I’ve been struggling for months to maintain my motivation, stay alert and just stay focused.
It’s hard.
Tell Me Something I Don’t Know
Life is hard. I’ve always known this and I think hard work encourages a person to persevere beyond what they could do normally. That being said, I think that after knocking down brick wall after brick wall, anyone would get frustrated to find that there was just yet another brick wall on the other side of the fence.
Tune Ups
So what do you do? What do you do when your workout isn’t getting results? What do you do when your frustration with it has you wanting to throw in the towel entirely? You get help. You talk to a professional and you get advice. In my case, I went to the doctor for my yearly checkup. Now as you may recall, I went to the doctor in February of last year only to discover that I had a mass on an ovary that needed to be removed.
I was fortunate, although the surgery was a great deal more difficult than they anticipated; I did not as it turned out have cancer. This was fantastic news, but my recovery time took a great deal longer than expected. As the year progressed, I began having more and more problems with my teeth. In August of last year, I had all my wisdom teeth removed. Again, the results were great, but the recovery time took forever.
That brings us to the present, after months of constant colds, sinus infections and illnesses every time I turned around, I went to my family physician with my complaints. I work out regularly, but I never seem to lose any weight anymore. My energy levels don’t stay as high as they once did. I snore. I have difficulty maintaining my concentration and my ADHD, once manageable with a lot of little tricks, seems to flare up more and more.
And the Doctor Said …
She gave me a full check up and went over her findings along with her advice. First and foremost, she wanted to order a sleep study. She said my symptoms indicated a sleep disorder, but they require a sleep study to truly diagnose. She wants me to amend some of my eating habits (oh, for example my Starbuck’s addiction) and to finally, and forever, quit smoking. A habit that I have tried to kick repeatedly as I have detailed here.
But one problem at a time is probably the best way to address the issue. So that’s what I did – we’ll talk about the sleep study in more detail in the next blog.
So why am I telling you all of this? Because fitness is about a state of mind, body and spirit. It’s not just about how many pounds you can lift and how many miles you can walk. We all have problems and we can all overcome them, sometimes we just need to be able to ask for a little help. If you have a fitness confession to make, feel free to click on my name and send me a private message here. Remember, you’re not alone.