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Confessions of a Supermom: The Big Picture

I mentioned in my last blog that I am not a self proclaimed supermom. But I know many a mom who look at me and think that I am. I admit that I have a prevailing calm air but I promise you it is a conscious choice to be this way–not my personality at all.

One Reason We Get Burnt Out

We talked last time about how we get burnt out because we fail to deal with the little things and move on. We stress and stress over this and that, letting “mole hills” become mountains. Another reason, however, that I believe we burn out is because we fail to see the bigger picture; the final goal. What we see and focus on, is what is directly before us. Don’t misunderstand me, of course we have to focus on the task at hand. It’s when doing all the tasks at hand, or not being able to do them all, that we find ourselves in a time of frustration.

The Marathon

I actually like to look at life as a whole like a marathon. Have you ever watched a marathon? If you do, when the gun shoots and the runners know that they can start, it is a rather anti-climatic start. No one goes sprinting out of the gate. They all just kind of jog steadily out. In fact, if you actually watch the entirety of a marathon, no one pays attention to who is in front for say the first 13 miles. In fact, those who run very quickly, unless they’re able to keep up the same pace throughout the entire 26 miles, tend to fall behind–they burn out. It’s those who keep in mind the goal–finishing the entire 26 miles–who tend to do well in a marathon.

Your Marathon

So what’s my point? What is your purpose in home schooling. Go back to why you really wanted to educate your children in the first place. Was it to create the most gifted, intelligent children in the world? I’m sure this is true for some–but I personally don’t know anyone who ultimately home schools for this reason. It seems that a superior education is a natural by-product of home education.

What do you want your children to look like when you’re finished home schooling them. For me, I want my children to have character. I want them to know the difference between right and wrong and I want them to be proud to stand up for them. I want them to love learning, and find joy in life in whatever they’re doing. I want them to see people with compassion and mercy, and I want them to feel compelled to help others because they have been so fortunate. That in my eyes, would make them very successful human beings.

You might note that none of these goals are academic. So why don’t I burn out? Because if we’re having a bad day, I put away the books and we read. Or I talk with my kids. Or we go out and observe life. I let them be curious, and ask questions. If the goal is to train their character and to instill a love of learning one bad day will not sabotage this goal. Thankfully, neither will a slightly messy house!

What are your goals? I suspect that if you take out a piece of paper and write down what it is that you want to achieve, you’ll find that the little things can be let go more often. What is your bigger picture?

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