When you take chances in your life, you expose yourself to all sorts of criticism from the most obvious and most startling of places. Family members who may be your greatest allies may become your harshest critics. On the other hand, they may embrace your child’s new educational path. Homeschooling brings out many opinions in people.
It’s easy to rail against the world and say that they are all wrong to express opinions about your child’s education. Certainly, people outside your own family can’t decide what you do. However, if you want to convince people that homeschooling is a good and right path, a lot of it is about results. I don’t mean academic results, either. I mean confident, happy people.
I was the tall, shy and nerdy kid that the teachers loved and other kids could do without. I chose a profession that is very much undervalued and for years, people would ask me if I was a volunteer, since obviously no one with a Masters degree would choose to work where I work. After working in this field for almost 15 years and having a child for over 5, I’ve learned a few things about confidence. My life is my life, and I am happy with it or I try to change it. I will not let other people dictate what I need to do to fit in. I believe that I am competent and this shows.
I think that you can do the same with a learning path that is a little unusual. When people see someone who is confident and educated and happy, that’s a lesson, and that’s a way to change their opinions and ultimately change the world. Seeing your homeschooled children become happy and confident learners and people is a wonderful, positive way to show others that homeschooling is a good and viable schooling option.