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Considering Putting the Kids Back in School so You can Work?

If you are a homeschooling mom who is being pressed by a rigid economy, chances are you are looking to make some extra money. You might even feel inclined to put your kids in school so you can work to make ends meet. If that is your decision and you feel comfortable with it, do it. However, if you are putting the kids in school so you can work and you do not feel comfortable about it, perhaps you should reconsider. There are other things you can do to make some extra money.

The most natural thing for a homeschooling mom to do is to tutor children. Just choose your best subject and pass the word among your homeschooling friends and groups. You can pick one or two days a week when you can tutor kids at home. You can use your science equipment to run science lab. If you are creative, you can present history in a fun way to children.

You can get a job on the internet. There are several options for working online. You can find writing and editing jobs. You can work for a call center from home. You can even start a business designing websites for others.

Start a family business. One of the most important things a homeschooler can do is to teach their kids how to run a business. The best way to show a homeschooler how to run a business is to run one together. I am not saying put your children to work in a full time job, but I do suggest you give them a small part of the business to handle. Also let them watch and listen to you handle negotiations as well.

Homeschooling moms can take a night job if absolutely necessary. You can go to work when your husband gets home. If your kids are older, you set up your schedule so you can go to work a few hours before your spouse gets home.

*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.

* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?