Each day gives a new series of choices. We can come to decisions based on past experiences of our own or others’, we can weigh out the pros and cons of different choices, and we can go with our gut.
Most of the daily decisions don’t necessarily have lasting impacts on our lives. For example; will we eat now or in an hour? Will we have Italian food or Mexican food? Will I wear the red dress or the black dress (though if you are concerned about modesty, maybe you should take further consideration)? I’m not convinced that God is overly concerned about these kinds of choices. But there are choices where I believe it’s important to include God in.
Any choices that will have a lasting impact on you or someone else, I believe should include prayerful consideration. This could be choices about making a family, making large purchases, with whom you will choose to associate with… There are just so many things. Don’t be hasty with large decisions. If you can, sleep on them first! Pray in the mean time for God to bring to mind if there are reasons you should not make the choice you would like to. Does the option to proceed go against the will of God? If you should change your mind, is there a way out? Seek wise counsel too. If you are trying to come to a decision, ask someone to pray with you about it. Talk with others who have contemplated similar situations.
I really don’t believe there is always a right or wrong answer to every dilemma. I think there are times that God is able to bless either path and gives us opportunities to choose. Sometimes we aren’t supposed to come up with an answer right away, but rather wait.
Why is it important to consult with God when trying to make certain decisions? Because He loves us, and knows what the future has for us. He sees the big picture and knows how other lives could be affected.