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Contentment: Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers – Maria Covey Cole

Contentment: Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers by Maria Covey Cole is book written to help mothers who are struggling to find peace and happiness in their roles as mothers. Maria Covey Cole is the mother of five children and a homemaker. She speaks from experience.

This book covered six different concepts or steps that every mother needs to master in order to find true contemned in her role as a mother. These concepts cover everything from trusting the Lord and gaining an eternal perspective to learning to be content in your current situation and learning to accept the Grace of Christ in your life. The basic premise of the book is to recognize the divine gift that motherhood is and to accept the love and guidance of the Lord along the way. The book focuses on gospel concepts and uses conference talks, scriptures and quotes from inspirational books to support each of the concepts taught.

My favorite parts of the book were the stories from mothers in the trenches. Cole is able to share several of those awful moments that every mother has, and then show how that moment turned into an aha moment. These experiences had me laughing and crying at the same time.
Throughout the book you can feel the appreciation that Cole has for the role of mother in the Plan of Salvation and the important part that each mother can play in her children’s lives. This book offers practical hands on and spiritual advice to help you through the difficult times that you may have as a mother.

I would recommend this book as a gift for Mother’s Day for any mother both old and young. It helped me to see things in a new perspective, and I’m sure that I will turn to it again on a difficult day. It is an excellent book.

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