As I continue this blog series on being the manager of your home, we are moving from the planning phase to the coordinating. I always like to first define things before we delve in.
When it comes to coordinating a business—or in our case, our home—one of the meanings is to bring order. Wouldn’t most of us love to see more order in our homes?
Think about those things you have done a good job with keeping order of. For instance, I am great at keeping laundry in order. I have a firm schedule that I stick to. This eliminates the stress of not having something to wear or not being able to find an item of clothing.
Where you have done a good job coordinating (or keeping order of) an area in your home, maintain that. Make 2012 a year where you will keep up the good work.
But now we also have to think about those things we haven’t done such a good job at. The biggest thing I am out of order with is meal planning. I am terrible at planning meals, clipping coupons, shopping and cooking. I mean, from beginning to end I am a mess.
It’s embarrassing to admit how many meals my children have had to eat which consisted of cereal or frozen pizza. For some reason I have not been able to get this under control.
So my biggest goal for 2012 is to coordinate (or bring order to) our meals. What is your top goal in this? Remember, in my original blog when I defined what the word housekeeping means and introduced the concept of being a manager of your home, I listed the top three things a manager does: plans, coordinates and organizes.
Now that we have talked about coordinating, in my next blog we will jump into what is personally my favorite topic (but might not be for others)…organizing.
Until then…happy coordinating!
Related Articles:
Defining the Word “Housekeeping”
Planning as the Manager of Your Home
Photo by foobean01 in stock.xchng