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Corner Cabinet of my Dreams

I just found the coolest cabinet ever! I want to remodel my kitchen, I surf the net looking for neat kitchen ideas. I drool over beautiful islands, wood floors and lots of space. The reality is my little kitchen is never going to be described as spacious so I need to find things that make the most use of the space I have.

I don’t like those lazy susan corner cabinets, they are not a very efficient use of the space. My whole kitchen is a lesson in how not to design a kitchen so I collect drawings and pictures and tile and countertop samples. I so badly want a new kitchen and one day I will have it, but in the meantime I covet things.

Today when I was looking for a picture for another post I came across the image above, don’t you want one? As soon as I saw it I printed it out and put it in my kitchen folder. Oh to have something so simple to organize everything. If I had that instead of one of those useless lazy Susans then I could put another cabinet where the drawers are now. I immediately started thinking of what I would store in those drawers, how I would organize them. Luckily for me common sense prevailed and I did not run out and immediately buy this cabinet and store it in the garage for someday.

I didn’t bother to check the price, I can’t afford to even look at anything expensive right now but I must have that for my kitchen. Not only will it be very handy just think about the look on people’s faces when they open the drawer. Oh, I want it now!

I love this idea, I actually love all space saving ideas because I am an appliance collector so any space I save means one more appliance I can buy. I may need to find a twelve step program or a support group but one day I will be as organized as this lovely cabinet.