If you are a home-based professional, you are probably always on the lookout for ways that you can spend less of your hard earned money on business expenses. Today, I have rounded up a few suggestions that could help you to keep more of your money in your pocket. Of course, saving money is great but these suggestions are only really worth doing if they can fit in with the way that you do business and the needs of your business and your clients. Make sure that you thoroughly examine these and any other cost saving strategies that you come up with before implementing them to make sure that you will actually save money and that you will not affect the performance of your business or the experience of your customers.
One way that home based professionals can save some money is by purchasing the bare minimum of office supplies that they need to get their work done properly. I have seen it time and time again, the eager and excited entrepreneur who is starting a home based business goes all out at the office supply store on their first visit only to complain that they are lacking cash flow a week or two later. I understand that some people are by nature “office supply people”. They like a specific kind of pen, they enjoy having accessories for their desk that match each other, and it gives them great joy to see all of their supplies neatly organized and stockpiled on a shelf. That is all well and good, but unfortunately office supplies do not make you any money. While some products that you use should be of a certain quality in order to create the right look and feel for your customers, the type of business that you have will largely dictate what supplies you need and what you can easily do without. It might be time to take an honest look at what you really need and what you can do without. You may even be able to return some of those unopened packages of things that you know you do not really need.
Also, avoid going right to the store when you need to upgrade or replace your computer, printer, or other office technology. It is possible to find much better deals online, as long as you read reviews and do your research to determine which product will best meet your needs. Since your time is money, make sure that your quest to locate and purchase a new laptop does not become a time warp that eats up the better part of your scheduled work hours for a week. Keep researching and shopping time to a reasonable level – enough to find the information that you need but not so much as to obsess over it. Some refurbished and used equipment even comes with a warranty. Some does not, so be sure that you read descriptions carefully and understand what you are buying before you make the purchase.
Photo by cohdra on morguefile.com.