There have been several counterfeit coupons going around which I wanted to warn our readers about.
It breaks my heart, but the coupon that was available from the site for a free 12 pack is no longer available. Coke has withdrawn this wonderful premium due to counterfeiting. These coupons were illegally duplicated, and many were sold on ebay.
Often when you find a coupon for a free item for sale on Ebay, you should suspect counterfeiting. It isn’t always the case, but when the seller has unusually large multiples of the coupon that is pretty much a dead giveaway.
Here are some other counterfeits that have recently been costing retailers and honest couponers money but allowing cheaters to prosper:
Free one pack of Energizer ultimate Various types – These include e2 titamium, Energizer MAX or Energizer Rechargable. Again, a high value coupon that has turned up for sale on various sites. It is a fraud, energizer never issued this.
Free Kozy Shack product. Not to be confused with the REAL coupons in inserts for 25 cents off, this is offering the pack for free, and is not issued by the manufacturer. It’s a fake.
Free WAHL Home Products –
Again, a high value coupon supposedly good for a free trimmer, shaver, clipper, or grooming kit. Fake fake fake.
Free Bag of Riceworks – United States and Canada – This originally was issued by the company, as a thank you to customers who participated in a survey. Someone figured out how to duplicate it, sell it, and….hey, is this starting to sound familiar?
Another really nice coupon that was a great reward for honest couponers was the Free Jumbo Pack of any Size Pampers Diapers or Pants. Who doesn’t need free diapers when you have a baby? So Proctor and Gamble has withdrawn it, and will replace legitimate real coupons with one of equal or greater value.
Counterfeiting costs manufacturers plenty. For example, there were only 16,000 diaper coupons issued, but 22,000 have been redeemed. That’s 5,000 boxes of diapers that went missing! And further, it costs the consumer, because the manufacturer does not then want to do the promotion of the free item.
Think of all the people who bought these counterfeits and now cannot redeem them. They are out the money.
Don’t rationalize coupon fraud. No, the manufacturer cannot afford to just give you the product, or absorb the loss. Yes, you are involved, especially if you buy these coupons on line, thinking you received a great bargain.