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Coupons for Online Savings

keyboard Shopping online can not only be convenient, but also very frugal. Online prices of even traditional stores can be lower than most retail outfits. Wal-mart, for instance, often has items online for less than at their stores. And if you don’t want to bother with shipping, you can order them online and then visit the store to pick them up at no additional cost.

Amazon.com is a great place for books, toys and more, and they often have plenty of deals going on. Target, Macy’s, and more, there are so many options to shop online.

One of the best things with online shopping is the ease of price comparison. With a couple of clicks, you can find the absolutely best price on that have to have item. And if your fingers get tired from going to one website after another, just take advantage of one of the many cost comparison websites out there.

We can’t forget coupons for online savings. If you know where to look, you can save even more on your already low prices, such as 10 percent off, or get extras, such as free shipping, free shipping upgrade and even free items, from magazines to accessories.

Using coupon codes online is very easy to do. You simply enter the code at checkout, and the price will automatically be adjusted for you.

Where can you find coupons for online savings? You can simply google the name of the store and the words “coupon codes.” Or check out one of the following websites: CurentCodes.com, CouponCabin.com or RetailMeNot.

Google also hides some coupons in their Google Maps feature. Usually these coupons are for use locally in retail stores, although some can be used online, too. They aren’t easy to find. Check back here at the Frugal Living Blog, and I’ll tell you all about it.

Click here for more articles by Mary Ann Romans.

Is Shopping at Wal-Mart Frugal?

Holiday Thrift Store Deals

Beware of “Aspirational” Marketing

Can You Live on One Income? Calculating Food Savings

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