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Crack Moms, A National Problem

Every state has children available for adoption that have been seriously damaged by being in the womb of a woman who is addicted to crack cocaine. It was the intention of our Creator that the womb would be a very safe place, but it is not for many children coming into this world. My experience in this area is the result of adopting five children whose birth mother was addicted to cocaine.

At age twenty-nine, their birth mother had given birth to seven damaged children in nine years, having been a crack addict since she was fifteen. She now tests positive for HIV and says that she has a birth control device that will keep her from having more children. I hope that is true. I doubt that it is.

Lola’s history is not that unusual in the adoption community. A lady in our city takes the most fragile of these children into her home. One child was the fifteenth offspring of a crack addicted mother. Our friend essentially has a small wing of a pediatric hospital in her home. She has full-time nurses to care for the most critically ill children. How can this be allowed to continue to happen?

Some states prosecute women for child abuse when they deliver addicted children. That makes sense to me. But most states have legal systems that give these women an unbelievable amount of protections and rights.

All states should be able to surgically prevent women from having multiple drug-addicted children. Civil liberties organizations would forcefully defend the woman’s reproductive rights. Some civil rights leaders have labeled this kind of proposal as racial genocide, something that Nazi Germany would have done. I disagree and think that my proposal would stop child abuse.

I am glad that my children were brought into this world, but most crack babies will not receive the care that they will need. I appreciate that our birth mother carried our children in her womb, but I am very unhappy with her for the health problems they have that were caused by her.

Cocaine is a very addictive, destructive drug that is devastating a significant portion of our younger generation. As this problem grows, some sort of drastic measures will have to be taken. I would appreciate hearing about any solutions that readers may have for this problem.

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