Here’s a fun spring craft for you and your daughter to make together.
Butterfly Spring Tulle Tutu
6-10 yards of tulle. This amount will depend on how fluffy you want it. A toddler tutu normally takes about 6 yards. You can vary the colors by purchasing 3 yards each of two colors or 2 yards each for 4-6 colors.
The tulle can be 4” to 6” in width. If you purchase tulle by the yard will you have the added step of cutting it into strips.
Ribbon or elastic for waistband. If you choose ribbon purchase up to 2 feet bigger than your child’s waist to ensure the fit and to have a full bow in the back. If purchasing elastic you will want to get it about 2 inches smaller than your child’s waist.
Add-ons like ribbon, tiny flowers (found in the craft department or fabric department) or butterflies. I found my butterflies in the floral department of the dollar store.
Cut the tulle in 20”x6” strips. You may want it longer depending on your child’s height or preference.
If you chose elastic you will have to overlap the ends and sew together to make the waistline. If you chose ribbon simply decide where to begin placing the tulle strips.
Get three strips of tulle in desired colors or color and stack neatly.
Now fold your stack of tulle in half forming a loop at the top.
Place the folded tulle in front of your ribbon or elastic with the loop a little above your elastic or ribbon.
Take the ends of the tulle and wrap around your ribbon or elastic and thread through the loop creating a knot.
Tighten the knot slightly. If you tighten it too much the ribbon or elastic will curl or you will not be able to position your tulle easily around the waistband.
Continue these steps until you go all around the waistband with tulle strips. You may follow a pattern or just decide what looks nice as you go.
Once your tutu is complete you can decorate it further by tying pretty ribbon around the waist or gluing on butterflies or even flowers. I purchased butterflies from the floral department so they had twist ties on the back. I just twisted the butterflies on the waistband being careful to point the ends toward the back of the butterfly and not the waistband or it would poke the little tutu wearer.
TIP: This may seem complicated but it is a very easy craft for a mother and daughter to do as a team. Have your child do age appropriate tasks such as choosing colors and embellishments to tying the tulle to applying the embellishments.