Craft sticks are a fun art supply to have in your art box. Craft sticks are inexpensive and come in packs of hundreds. Once you purchase one big box you are set for quite some time. Maybe you have hundreds of craft sticks because it seemed like a good idea but you have no idea what to do with them. No problem, I have a few activities that may find their way on your list of things to do.
Craft Stick Puzzles: Gather several craft sticks. Using painters tape, tape the sticks together lightly on one side only. Flip over and have your child draw a picture which covers all the sticks. Once your child is finished remove the painter’s tape and mix up the craft sticks. Now have your child put the puzzle back together. Instead of drawing a picture you can paste a picture on the glue sticks and use an Exacto knife to cut through the sticks to make a puzzle. Make sure you use a strong adhesive glue.
Craft Stick Tick Tack Toe: Have your child color the sticks with washable markers. Simply make a tic tac toe board with two craft sticks laying a few inches or so apart and then gluing the other two going crossways a few inches a apart to form the board. You can now use marbles, tiny barrettes, or even sugar packets at a restaurant to play the game. Its great way to keep your child occupied while waiting for food to arrive.
Craft Stick Chores: Write down a chore on each stick. You may also want to cut out a small image of the chore and paste to the stick for pre-readers. Color one tip one color and the other tip a different color each indicating if the task is incomplete or complete. Have your child flip the craft stick over in the jar or cup when the task is complete.
Craft Stick Butterfly: Cut out two wings from construction paper. Glue wings to craft stick. Glue eyes on craft stick and decorate the rest with glitter glue, ribbon, stickers, etc.