When working with little ones, we need to set aside plenty of time for crafts. Little ones are inquisitive and they will want to play in the paint and feel it squish between their fingers. They enjoy this part as much as the actual painting. Allow plenty of time and be as patient as possible, allowing kids to explore at their own pace.
Here are some more helpful tips for making crafts with small children:
1. Make working on crafts relaxing and fun. Don’t stifle creativity by being a stickler for the instructions. While basic instructions should be followed, allowing kids to bend the rules a bit often leads to very creative ideas. Their projects may not look much like the example, but they may actually be better. Children might become inspired by the project you presented, and kick it up a notch.
2. Don’t be too quick to praise. Many times adults get distracted, and toss out an, “Oh, that’s nice,” without really looking or paying attention to the details. This trap is easy to fall into when trying to supervise more than one child. Instead, praise specific parts of the project that are done well, or mention a specific detail. “I like the way you made the top yellow.”
3. Protect surfaces and children’s clothing before starting so you won’t be stressing about the mess. Making crafts can be quite messy, so if messes set your teeth on edge, consider doing crafts outdoors or simply make sure important items are well protected. Plastic shower curtain liners, newspapers, and large trash bags work great.
4. For painting and other messy projects, keeping a bowl of water and a roll of paper towels or a rag handy is a good idea. If a child suddenly gets the urge to go potty mid project, he or she can rinse paint off and grab a towel before leaving the work area.