Even if you aren’t planning to write a best seller, you may be interested in writing for greeting card companies. It’s a lot of fun and it’s a very creative way to make some extra money working from home. Many greeting card companies also accept artwork submissions if art is your area of expertise.
To get a good idea of what is popular in the greeting card industry today, visit a local store and review different brands of cards, or visit a company’s website to get a better feel for their line. Some companies publish one-liners, while others like long verses. Some still publish rhyming verse while others refuse it. Some are formal while others prefer a conversational tone. It makes sense to get a good feel for a company before submitting work.
You also need to review each company’s guidelines carefully. This was discussed previously in other writing from home articles, but it is very important. It is unprofessional to send things that the company has no interest in, or to send your work in the improper format. Follow all guidelines precisely.
Reviewing the guidelines will also usually help you learn which type of greeting cards a company needs the most. For example, they may be flooded with birthday card ideas but be in desperate need of sympathy wishes. The category with the greatest need is your best option for getting your foot in the door. Also, many companies require that seasonal items be submitted well in advance, so be sure to check their calendar if available.
If you are submitting by snail mail, send a self-addressed envelope with enough postage for the company to return your work, unless otherwise indicated (some companies don’t return work at all).
One greeting card company that advertises frequently for fresh copy for their lines of greeting cards, gift books, and novelties is Blue Mountain Arts. Blue Mountain gives very specific guidelines and pays well – up to $300.00 per accepted submission.