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Create Some Routines

You spend so much time cleaning your house. Every weekend, every where in the world, people are wasting precious weekend time cleaning. This defeats the purpose of a weekend, a weekend should be for family and relaxation, instead we find ourselves scrubbing toilets.

The way to break this pattern is with routines. Once your house is clean just a little maintenance here and there will keep it that way so you don’t have to waste your weekend.

Develop a routine for your morning. Mornings are hectic so if you don’t have a routine down it won’t get done. Think of all the things that need to be done in the morning to make your evening run smoother and then write them down.

A routine that works for me is:
Get dressed
Do hair and makeup
Put everything away and wipe bathroom counter
Make breakfast and pack lunches cleaning as I go
Unload the dishwasher so it’s ready for dinner dishes
Empty the trash

Of course this would be customized to your family, how much time you have and what needs to be done.

Create a routine for the evening, while dinner is cooking clean one room, dust, vacuum, declutter. It really shouldn’t take more than fifteen minutes.

Then before bed make sure the house is ready for the morning. Set the coffee maker, run the dishwasher, whatever needs to be done to make the morning smoother. If you have small kids you can get into the habit of laying out their clothes the night before to reduce time looking for stray shoes in the morning.

Figure out what works for your family and use it. If you use the time while dinner is cooking to clean one room, you will not have to do a whole house cleaning on the weekends. Now what could you possibly do with all that free time?