Using photos to decorate your home is a great way to make your house feel more personal. Many people throw up stock art on the walls and call it a day, but have you ever considered using your camera to make your own art? I have been brainstorming about ways I can incorporate my love for photography with my home décor. I have come up with some cute ideas for my kitchen, bathrooms and living room. The only thing holding me back is the cost of the oversize prints I wish I could order all at once. I keep telling myself I can create these pieces one at a time; there’s no need to rush!
For the kitchen, take still life photos of your favorite foods or your prettiest appliances, print them in black and white, frame them, and hang them up around your kitchen. For example, you could have your child hold a pile of dried beans in his up-turned palms and take a close up of just his hands. You could do a still life shot of your mixer while the beaters are still covered in frosting or batter. Better yet, take a close up of a family member licking the beaters.
Follow the same technique for your bathroom. Take a picture of your kids with suds in their hair while they’re taking a bath and frame the photo in the bathroom. Still life ideas include a close up of a rubber ducky, a running faucet, or a pile of freshly folded bath towels with a rubber ducky on top.
For your living room, travel outside of the home for subjects that have the perfect color. The easiest place to find pops of color is in a botanical garden. Using the macro setting on your camera, take close ups of blooms and blow them up into oversize prints to frame and hang in your space. You could also snap pictures of things you wish you could have in your living room, but can’t afford. For example, if you like Tiffany lamps, but can’t afford to buy one, find a store that sells them (or their reproductions) and take artistic shots of them. Arrange the shots in a collage on your wall.