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Creating a Date Night

I regret the demise of wine and dine – those intimate little candle-lit restaurants that used to be around when Mick and I were young. You could have a meal,enjoy listening to someone sing romantic songs and play the piano, or get up and dance. I’m talking, the old time dances where partners actually held each other in their arms. Never having much money we only went to such places for an anniversary, birthday or special evening out.

These days the win and dine seems to have disappeared. So the other night we created our own. We went out to a local Thai restaurant and had our dinner. Since it was BYO we took our bottle of wine and enjoyed our meal. Then we came home, turned the lights on dim, put on a romantic CD and danced around our family room. Our little pup thought she’d get in on the act and started nipping at our feet but after she’d been trodden on once, she retreated to the sit on the bean bag and watch this strange behavior.

For Mick and I it was a romantic evening together. We kissed as we danced, just the way we used to when we were teenagers. The faces and bodies might look a bit different to what they did back then, but some things don’t change. The love we have for each other is one of them.

It goes to show that a date night doesn’t have to be a major production. We could just as easily, as we have other times, had dinner and wine at home and then danced the evening away. It brought back lots of memories of past evenings spent in similar fashion.

So next time, you’re after date night idea, create a wine and dine environment in your home with candles and a nice meal and use your CD player to provide romantic music for dancing.It is one way of bringing the romance back to a marriage.

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