So many families are struggling right now with the economy and are wondering what to do about Christmas and gifts for the kids. The stores are still screaming about deals, deal and deals. The kids see commercials for the latest hot toys that seem to cost more than my first car ever did.
Examining the family budget, many of us are deciding to spend less this year, including on Christmas gifts. I think this is a blessing in disguise. What better time is there to make a meaningful Christmas for the kids, and well, for everyone.
Participate in Operation Christmas Child
Samaritan’s purse is a charity that arranges to send shoe boxes full of goodies to needy children across the world. The premise is simple. You take an ordinary shoe box, and buy small presents, such as toys, toiletries and hard candy to fill the box. Then you wrap your box and bring it to a drop off location. There are plenty of wonderful things that can go in the box for very little money. You can visit a dollar store and pick out the treasures. it is a great way for kids to see the significance of how these small gifts will change another child’s life, and it really puts things into perspective.
New Family Traditions
Take the focus off of gifts this year by establishing some new family traditions. Why not camp out under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve? Maybe you can all take a walk on Christmas morning. Watch Christmas videos and string popcorn. Collect pine cones and “decorate” them with peanut butter and seeds for the birds. Drive around looking at all of the Christmas lights. Make Christmas cookies. Sneak over and leave little homemade gifts on the porches of your neighbors. Invite a lonely friend to celebrate the holidays with you.
Would you like to hear about some more ways to create a meaningful Christmas on a budget?
Click here for more articles by Mary Ann Romans.
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