Last year I was on a quest to get organized with my meals. I spent several months making a couple of new meals each week, so I would have a wider variety to choose from. I am starting to finally see the positive effects of this…or should I say my family is.
One of my goals was to avoid cooking the same meals over and over again. So I purchased a binder with clear pocket holders to help in organizing my recipes.
I have to share one of the best resources on the web for printing recipes. It is the “recipe card maker.” You can choose two sizes for printing, 3×5 and 4×6.
Once you have selected a size, you can then choose from six different adorable recipe cards (sunflowers, penguin, gingerbread man, bee hive, tomatoes and flowers). You can print up to three recipes at a time, choosing a different themed recipe card for each one or the same.
There are lines to insert the name of the recipe, an extra line (for your name, message or whatever you like), a line for number of servings and then plenty of lines to input the list of ingredients. Then you have space to type the directions in, with three choices in font size.
Before you print the recipe, you can preview it to make sure it looks right. Then hit print and you have a beautiful recipe card…all for free.
After I typed up all of my recipes and inserted them into my binder, I started a system where every time I made one of the meals, I placed a post-it note on it. The date I cooked the meal was also noted.
Then I worked through my entire recipe book, never repeating a meal so that my family had something new to eat for nearly two months straight. It has worked out great.