I know how it is – you’ve got a great book on the nightstand and you really want to read it, but your day is so hectic that you just can’t fit it in, and when you finally crawl into bed, you’re asleep before you even kick off your fuzzy bunny slippers. What to do, what to do?
In an effort to help all of us find that crucial time to read, I’ve come up with some ways that we can all fit it into our schedules.
1. Sign your child up for a sport and read while they are practicing. Sure, there’s a registration fee, uniform fee, the gas driving back and forth, but you can’t put a price on literacy.
2. Pretend to be sick and go to the doctor’s office. You’ll spend about twenty minutes in the waiting room, another twenty waiting in the exam room, and about another ten while he goes to find his stethoscope. That’s fifty whole minutes of quality reading time. Again, there is some expense with the co-pay and all, but isn’t reading time worth it to you? And you know you don’t have to fill the prescription he gives you.
3. Go to the grocery store and find the longest possible line. Every time someone comes up behind you, motion them ahead. They’ll think you’re a saint, and you will get to spend up to an hour reading in line. Even more so now, with all the holiday shoppers. Then, when you get home, just tell your spouse or babysitter that the lines were a killer and you’re sorry you were gone longer than you thought.
4. Go for a drive on a deserted road with only a quarter tank of gas. When you run out, pull over to the side of the road and get your book out. In the time it takes for another car to come along and fetch help, you’ll have gotten in at least a few chapters.
I know that if we all put on our thinking caps, we’ll be able to squeeze some reading time into those precious hours. Now, if you only had access to a great site where they did reviews on quality literature. Sigh. Well, I guess you can’t have everything.
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