One of my favorite aspects of homeschooling is watching my children express their different interests. I want to encourage creative thinking and creative outlets. I want my children to be exposed to art and music. I believe it will enhance their education and their lives. As homeschoolers, we have the luxury of time to explore and create. I strongly encourage you to take that time.
In my homeschool, I have two very creative girls, one preschooler who is still exploring the world, and one boy whose interest is in football. Once you find determine your children’s interests you can begin to encourage them. It is also important to challenge them to try new things. I have found that kids need a little nudging to go outside of their comfort zone. Once they do, many are happy they did!
My oldest has been interested in working with her hands since she was a toddler. She also showed a love for color and music. Today at 14 years old, she crochets; color codes her closet, and plays piano. The seeds for all these activities, and on strange color coding habit, were planted when she was tiny. She is also a master Lego builder and can pretty much do whatever she sees. Her true passion is music so we encourage that as much as possible.
My third child is all about drawing. She is not into color. She is perfectly fine using a pencil or pen to draw people and animals. She loves to paint but drawing has her heart. I have encouraged her love of art by studying art history. Nature journals are another great way to encourage learning and practicing her love of drawing.
My other two children have yet to establish themselves in a creative outlet. My son prefers to play ball over anything else. I encourage that pursuit as well. However, I have also encouraged him to write using football as a topic. My preschooler is still exploring the world and finding her interests. I will be anxious to see what she finally focuses her heart on.