Wouldn’t you love to come home to a clean house, freshly done laundry and dinner on the table? Sounds like Heaven doesn’t it? But what if the person who did those things was a stranger who broke into your home while you were at work to do those things? Doesn’t sound quite as lovely now does it?
This actually happened. A man broke into a home in South Bend, Indiana, did some laundry, swept the floor and fixed dinner. The man seemed confused when police talked with him and needless to say the homeowner was a little frightened. The man didn’t take anything, he seemed to believe he lived there.
That puts an entirely different spin on the cleaning fairies that I wish would show up while I was working. I’ve heard about them but never actually seen them, kind of like the Tooth Fairy, I’ve heard stories but that’s all.
I’m not sure I would be upset if someone wanted to come in and do my chores while I was at work, the only thing the man took was a nap and those are free so no harm no foul.
It’s funny but at the same time it reminds us to make sure our homes are always secure. This man was able to enter through a window that had been left open, he just pried the screen out and was inside. No one saw him or heard him. That is how quickly your home can be compromised.
I love to have the windows open and fresh air circulating through the house when the weather is nice but always make sure to close any windows that are easily accessible before I leave. This includes the windows above the garage. It only takes a minute to use the fence to get on the garage roof and then you are in my house.
It’s frustrating when I lock myself out, but better safe than sorry!