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Crispin: The Pig Who Had It All – Ted Dewan

Is it possible to indulge your piggy just a little too much? Yes, it is, as we’ll soon find out by reading “Crispin: The Pig Who Had It All.”

Crispin Tamworth was a very spoiled little pig, and at Christmas time, things got even worse. He would receive the most extravagant gifts, but he always grew bored with them quickly, or they would break. Every cool computer game, every wonderful ride-on toy – you name it, he would get it, and get bored, and it would break. What a neverending cycle!

But just this last Christmas, something was different. When he woke up, he found a huge box under the tree, with a tag that read:

Master Crispin,
In this box you will find the only thing you do not have. It’s the very best thing in the whole wide world.

And it was signed with the letter “S.”

Crispin was so excited! He ripped in to that box to see what Santa had brought for him, but the box was completely empty. Mad, he shoved the box out onto the front lawn, then ran to his room. He cried and cried, and wouldn’t even come out for Christmas dinner.

From his window, he could see some of the neighborhood animals wander by and want to play in his box, but he just couldn’t let them do that! It was his box! So he ran outside, and stood in his box, very cold and very bored. The other animals had a great idea – what if they pretended the box was a space base? Using their imaginations, they played together all day long.

The next day, the new friends came back, and they used the box to play store, and pirates, and castle, and another round of space base. They had a wonderful time. But when the rain came and ruined his box, Crispin was just sure he would lose his new friends, too.

That wasn’t the case, though – when you have imagination, you can play with anything. That’s what Santa gave to Crispin this year – the gift of imagination. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

(This book was published in 2000 by Dell Dragonfly and was illustrated by the author.)

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