While you may feel and be a person who is honest and trustworthy in your home business, you may not be getting that point across to your clients and customers. There are some communication and body language techniques you can cultivate to let your customers and clients know that you are a trustworthy and honest person of character and someone with whom they can have confidence doing business with:
It is important to be direct and honest with customers and clients from the very first interaction. Be careful that you don’t make any promises that you won’t be able to follow through on. The old adage is to “under promise and over-deliver.” This means setting deadlines and service/product delivery dates and details that you can stick to. Living up to your promises is one of the main ways you can show customers you are a trustworthy businessperson.
You also want to avoid body language and words that might convey that you are unsteady or unsure of yourself–avoiding eye contact, scratching or rubbing your face, hair, eyes, etc., licking or biting your lips, and wringing your hands together all send a subtle message that you are not someone who can be trusted. Your posture is another key way that you convey your strength of character to customers and clients–stand up straight and try to remain steady on your feet (not shifting, slouching, or shuffling )
Use words that convey confidence and your sureness in your ability to deliver excellent products and services–not words that might send the message that you aren’t sure what you’re doing or that you might not be telling the truth. If you ARE unsure, be as confident and direct as you can in saying, “I don’t know the answer to that, but I’ll definitely find out and get back in touch with you in the next day or two.”
Keep in mind that each interaction with a client or customer (or prospect) is an opportunity to establish and cultivate a reputation for honesty and integrity. Each time you show someone that you can be counted on to be direct and truthful in your business dealings, your reputation is being built and cultivated.
See Also: How’s Your Handshake? and Trying to Make a Sale–Watch Your Body Language