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Cutting The Apron Strings

No matter how much I say I want to cut the apron strings I realize that a part of me is not ready to let go of Tyler. Take his hair for instance. He’s six-years-old and until two weeks ago I was still combing his hair. He was perfectly capable of doing it himself but I was still holding on to that last remnant of his babyhood. Until school started, he wore his hair in braids and had since he was an infant. In our family we don’t cut our boys hair until they are two (don’t ask me why, it’s one of those weird traditions) and then my uncle generally gives the first haircut. When it was time for Tyler’s cut, I decided to break with tradition even though he was often accused of being a girl.

I knew once school started I would get it cut because I wasn’t going to have time to braid it. He had a LOT of hair but it was soft like cotton candy so the braids only lasted two days. I can braid fast but I was getting tired of doing it. Anyway, off went the hair with much pomp and circumstance (yes, I have ALL of it in a plastic bag) and in it’s place a very low cut manageable style. One that he can comb- actually brush- himself. That was the point. So why did it take me so long to let him do it? He has been telling me all along that he can do it himself, that he’s a big boy, but I was unwilling to allow him to go through that rite of passage. I finally realized that I was being selfish. I was trying to hold on to him for a little while longer. People tell you all the time when your kids are infants that the time will pass so quickly but you don’t realize just how right they are. Until you actually go through it.

It seems like just yesterday he was this little helpless creature depending on me for his every need. Now, he’s almost as tall as I am and is capable of taking care of himself. For those of you with babies and infants, I will give you the same advice that many gave me, treasure your little ones. They really do grow up fast.

See also:

Don’t Do For Your Kids What They Can Do For Themselves

My Mini Me

Teaching Your Kids to be Helpful