When we discuss postpartum depression, we automatically think of moms suffering from this illness. But a recent study showed that many dads may experience depression after a new baby is born. And this study also revealed that dad’s depression can have major ramification of your children.
There appears to be a direct correlation between dad’s depression and spanking. The study showed that 40 percent of depressed dads have spanked their one year old child, compared to only 13 percent of dads that are not suffering. These results are alarming, as children this young most likely will not make the connection between their actions and the punishment.
Along with moms, dads tend to be sleep deprived, stressed, and overwhelmed when a new baby comes home, but there is less support or acknowledgement for dads. They may also feel some resentment towards the baby for the life changing that has occurred or the time that is taken away from the parents’ relationship. Often times we have a picture of what parenthood will be like, but when reality sets in, our mental health may suffer.
Some pediatricians are making a move to start screening dad when they go with their child to well visits, looking for signs of depression. They will be able to open up a discussion about the disease and positive discipline with young children, giving fathers information that was not available before. While mothers are aware of postpartum and have places to turn for help, up to this point dads have had nowhere to turn.
From one mom to another, please keep an eye on your baby’s daddy. I believe my husband is unknowingly suffering from depression and unwilling to admit it. And he has become detached. Know the signs and watch for them. Does he make excuses to be away from the children, if he’s watching them and you come home, does he “disappear”? Is he just not the same as he used to be? Talk to him about it, or, if you think he won’t be receptive, talk to your pediatrician about it. Do it not only for your man, but for your baby as well.