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Dads Homeschool Too

I am sure you hear a lot about homeschooling moms, who choose to forgo careers to raise and educate their children at home. When hearing the phrase, “homeschooling dad”, one normally envisions a Dad who allows his wife to homeschool the children. In most cases, Dad works and supplies the income that allows the family to homeschool. At best, dad is considered the “Principal” of the homeschool. However, Dads homeschool too.

  • Former art teacher now teaches his own:

    Recently, the St. Petersburg Times profiled John Daynard, a former art teacher, and current homeschool teacher for his kid’s age eight, six, and four. His homeschooling style appears to be relaxed with a curriculum that allows for valuable diversions. Allison Danyard is an intensive care nurse who works the night shift because it pays best, therefore allowing John to homeschool the children.

  • Parents sharing the homeschooling duties:

    Other fathers share the role of homeschooling parent. The Viscardi family consists of a neuroscientist mother, engineer father, and one child who is homeschooled by both parents. Business week online profiled this “creative class family”, in February of 2006, when the 16 year old, Michael, won the $100,000 prize in the Siemens Westinghouse Competition. Another role sharing family also profiled in the same article is the Aldrich’s who own an interactive learning company. Dad handles math and science, and Lisa, a stay at home mom, does reading and writing.

  • Dad makes homeschooling an adventure:

    David Severi takes homeschooling to a completely new level. He seldom teaches at home. Instead, he, his wife, and their three daughters adventure-school, traveling the country and learning along the way. They wanted a mode of education for their girls that was modern and inspired. Their income comes from writing about their adventures and lecturing on adventure homeschooling. They also do historical re-enacting of the Civil War and the Renaissance and “have helped at least 300 families’ homeschool through our own private school and through tax-funded charter schools”, according to their website, fleetadventureschool.com

  • Father unschools child right into college:

    One of the most noted homeschooled alumni is Erik Demaine who was homeschooled on the road by his father Martin, a single parent. Erik was basically unschooled by his father allowed him to direct his education. He began college at age 12, and completed his bachelor’s degree by 14. By the way, Dr. Erik Demaine, is good with people.