I have fallen off the wagon and was then promptly run over by the wagon as it backed up.
After navigating the birthday party food-spread with minimal trouble over the weekend, I have since consumed six pieces of pizza, a large bowl of mint ice cream, two cups of Pepsi and more mini-chocolate donuts than I care to mention (to be honest, I lost count somewhere in the mid-teens). Granted, this was not all at one sitting (that would be disgusting), but it has been my story over the past 72-plus hours. Making this even more tragic is that my gym feels about as far away as the streets of Paris. I have been driving around the gym to get to the office, making sure no one sees me pass without putting in a workout, yet again.
The only physical activity I have engaged in over the past week was moving the old furniture out of what was our guest bedroom and placing it by the curb. I also finished stripping the walls in there – but I would really be grabbing at straws if I attempted to consider those couple hours as a legitimate workout.
I thought about squeezing in a workout this morning, but a terrible feeling came over me last night. I was equal parts “about to pass out” and “about to lose my lunch” and was asleep before 8:30 pm. I rose this morning in a congested daze and felt as if I was whacked over the head with a giant stale donut – which I also think paid me a visit in a dream.
Not only am I not working out, I am also having a rather impossible time getting any traction in my effort to eat right. A couple things are killing me in this regard. Number one, we have no food in the house – having opted to raid the pantry and freezer to produce enough meals for the week. While this is a noble mission, to utilize what is already in the house and save some hard-earned dough (especially while still absorbing the cost of the party), it’s major flaw lies in the lack of key household essentials like milk, cereal, fruit, healthy snacks and just about everything else!
My family is heading to sunny Florida in a couple weeks for some beach time and Spring Training baseball. I’ve got to get this eating and exercise routine figured out before we leave. Not that I am planning on looking trim in time for the vacation, as that would be a silly unreachable goal. No, I’m simply hoping to be at the point where I am NOT dreaming about donuts!
That isn’t asking too much, is it?
Dad’s Losing It articles are published every Saturday and Tuesday. Follow Jeff’s journey during the rest of the week in the Dad’s Losing It Forum. In the Forum, Jeff discusses his individual workout routines and soundtracks, among other tidbits and musings from the week.
Jeff is a Family Fun blogger. Read more of his posts here.