Another week in the books, but I am not celebrating.
My daughter was home sick for much of this week and by the time my home life was straightened out (shuttled her to Grandmom’s so we could put in a full day or two at the office), I had school on Thursday evening and felt terrible on Friday morning. I woke in the middle of the night on Friday with a case of the freezing cold shakes, of the teeth-chattering variety. I woke for good at 6:30 A.M. to an ultra-sore body (and a bloody nose thrown in for good measure). There was no way I was hitting the gym before work after that night.
Today, my wife and I will be in Manhattan for a marathon performance of Tom Stoppard’s The Coast of Utopia. One of the great things about visiting New York City, and there are many, is the amount of walking we do. I do not usually take cabs up there, preferring to walk everywhere within reach and use subways for the really long stretches (Battery Park to The Natural History Museum, for example). The walk from Penn Station to Lincoln Center is at least 32 blocks, so that will stand in admirably for my treadmill work today.
I had a very poor day on Wednesday, eating a chocolate donut at work in the morning (I was running late and didn’t have the time for a toasted bagel in the morning and was out of Special K – yeah, yeah, they are just excuses…I know). I then picked up a hoagie on the way home to care for my ill daughter (just cold cuts, no mayo or anything). We have so much good food still in the house that the decision to spend money on lunch, even $6, was foolish.
Part of this lifestyle-change mission is not only to lose pounds, get healthy and fit, and elongate my life expectancy but also to save money. Because in the end, if I am not sliding dollar bills into the vending machine at work, or going out for fatty lunches, I will obtain a physical and financial fitness that will go a long way in allowing me to live a longer and happier life!
Until Tuesday…
Enjoy your weekend!
Dad’s Losing It articles are published every Saturday and Tuesday. Follow Jeff’s journey during the rest of the week in the Dad’s Losing It Forum. In the Forum, Jeff discusses his individual workout routines and soundtracks, among other tidbits and musings from the week.
Jeff is a Family Fun blogger. Read more of his posts here.